Linda's Granny Page

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Yeah! A Long Weekend!

This is what I feel like doing today, just curl up and cuddle.

Today has been a lazy day. I do have some laundry in the dryer. Payed some bills online and wrote a couple checks. Need to go get a few groceries in the morning, maybe before Melissa and I go to the golf clinic. The next one is in two weeks. And here it is, already 5 p.m.! R has been a little fussy today, but E took him out for a walk this morning, and he took him with him when he went to Wal Mart. It is nice to have a long weekend. We probably won't do much of anything, maybe a dollar movie. E has to work on Monday. Need the weekend to recharge batteries for next week. J will be on vacation, so it may be a tough week.

It's kind of cloudy today, we have a chance for showers, but we probably won't get anything. The showers are pretty scattered. But it has cooled off a little bit.

R is running up and down the hall. He wants to play with the dogs. He likes to go back and pester M. I think she enjoys it, though. She seems pretty focused on school so far. It's a good thing, she needs to pass all her classes and get her credits to graduate.

Had to have some comfort food. P sent E out earlier for some chocolate cake and Diet Coke with lime. That was good chocolate cake. I'm thinking about another piece now. TTFN

I was getting spammed, so I had to block anonymous comments, Sorry! TTFN


  • At 12:36 PM, Blogger grandma1 said…

    Those cats look too comfortable someone needs to dump them out. We finally got someone to take our cat. I am so glad we are not sneezing nearly as much.

    You need to get someone to help you with that project. You have to learn to tell J no you are too busy. They can't fire you they couldn't get the paper out. No is an acceptable answer.

    Wish you and M were here to help unpack.

  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger Aunty Pesty said…

    I do not enjoy R pestering me! That is B.S.! Those cats are way too comfortable they need to water them. It is very cute though.


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