Linda's Granny Page

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Well, the last couple of weeks have been busy at work. This week is the one really busy week because we're doing the State Mission Offering edition. I will start putting it together tomorrow. We usually don't start until Thursday. Actually got my layout started today, I usually don't do that until Wednesday. Jn has been driving us all crazy with little projects, looking for information here and there. Jy has been getting together pictures for the articles, so we'll see how it goes.

Got my laptop back today. We had taken it in to Circuit City late last week. They were advertising a free check-up for any PC. Basically, either my RAM is going bad or I have a really nasty bug. (Maybe something that my virus protection didn't catch?) We've talked about looking for a new one, but we'll just keep our eyes open for a good buy. My CD-ROM doesn't work anymore, but it's been that way for some time. It works fine for what I need to do, e-mail, checkbook, etc.

Just updated the checkbook tonight. It's been a nice quiet evening, no TV. There's nothing to watch tonight anyway.

Just a bit frazzled after today. Constantly working on one thing or another. Made a stop at Circuit City to get my computer and Boston Market to pick up supper. Came home on the freeway, the traffic is heavier now that school has started. I haven't been coming home that way with the weather every night when I come home. But then tonight was later than I usually come home, too.

Gathering up miscellaneous things to put in a box to send to our daughter in Texas. I hope school is going good for her. Time to wind down some more. TTFN

Monday, August 07, 2006

Starting Another Week!

Here we are, starting another week. I wish I didn't have to, but we have to pay bills! I'm in that frame of mind again, I'd like to be able to quit working and stay home, but we can't afford that right now! So I guess I'll tough it out a while longer.

Here is our kitty cat, Pippin. He got brave when he was out in the back yard and climbed the tree! I caught him on his way down. He really wants to go out in the front yard, but I don't think he's safe out there. This morning, Mistress (E's kitty cat) was out front. I went out to see where she was and all of a sudden I heard two cats going after each other. Then here comes Mistress, with an orange and white tabby cat right behind her. She ran past me and I scared the orange one away. She hid under the car in the front yard, but she wouldn't come to me. She's tangled with that cat before. Pippin is too skittish. I don't think he could hold his own with another cat. I'll let him go out back. He doesn't get into the front yard like Mistress does.

We had more rain during the night last night. It's been partly cloudy all day today. It doesn't look like we're going to get any rain tonight. The northeast heights got dumped on last night, tore up one of the fairways at Tanoan Golf Club, flooded streets. Rio Rancho got hit again, too. They haven't recovered from previous rains, yet. They just keep getting rain and it makes things worse. At least we don't have to worry about that kind of thing, being up here on the mesa like we are. Mom doesn't either. They've had a few times where the street was full of water and the back porch was covered in water, but not enough to come into the house. You have to step up to go in the house, so there would have to be quite a bit of water to get in her house. The grass is growing wild, along with the weeds. The driveway is being taken over by wild grass. One of these days, the tree man is supposed to come and take her cottonwood out from the back yard. With all this rain, I guess he's behind schedule. The roofers have been really busy, too. It's nice to have a monsoon season this year, but these rainstorms are bringing too much rain at one time.

Need to go put the laundry in the dryer! TTFN

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Day Off!

Have a much-needed day off. Decided not to go play golf. Been on the computer since after breakfast. Got started reading P's Human Sacrifice. Had not read but the first few pages. Now I've read all of Part 1. That's enough for today! I can see a lot of past experiences in his story. Had to laugh at some remarks, so true!

P just turned the air conditioner off. He said it was making a noise and smelling hot. So we've got the little portable one going in the living room. Maybe if E gets home early enough tonight, he can get up on the roof and take a look at it. He leaves tomorrow for Tucson.

I have been wondering what kind of trouble D is going to stir up this time.

Can't think of too much to write about at this time. My head's kind of full from reading P's story. TTFN