Well, it's been a while! But when P's mom said I had lots of things to write about, she was right. I just didn't know it at the time.
I meant to do this after we got the pictures back, but I haven't been blogging, so I'm just getting around to it. P already posted the pictures from his reunion at Wayland, and Grandma and Grandpa's old house with the tree in front. P took this picture of our car when we stopped to take pictures of the house and tree. You can't tell, but there are probably pawprints all over it. Well, maybe not, it did rain in Plainview when we were there.
P says I had an epiphany this morning, I call it a revelation. We taped off the new Ten Commandments last weekend and watched it yesterday evening. Then we watched the last couple of hours of the old Ten Commandments movie (with Charleton Heston). This morning we were discussing it.
Backflash: JE at work mentioned how her husband, while they were watching the Ten Commandments, would tear it apart, saying, "That's not in the Bible!" or something like that. Pat does that all the time, he analyzes a movie. And it bugs me. I tell him, "Just enjoy it!" I had told him I wasn't sure I wanted to watch it with him, because he would do the same thing. So, when we watched it, he was quiet, didn't say anything.
So, when we were discussing it this morning, we were talking about the plagues and miracles. I said that if it was explainable, it wasn't a miracle. If it is unexplainable, it's a miracle. He was talking about the feeding of the 5,000; it can be explained that when the disciples started to distribute the loaves and fishes, that everyone else brought out their meals and shared. That's why there was so much left over. I had never thought of it that way! It was always a miracle, that once they started distributing the food, it just kept multiplying. There were several other things like that, that are explainable. Then we started going through the plagues. There are explanations for almost all of them.
Unfortunately, most preachers don't preach to our intelligence. I finally get it! I told P it puts a whole new perspective on things. I love it when we have such intelligent conversations. Now I really would like to find a church with a pastor who preaches to intelligence instead of lazily preaching what most people want to hear.
Another sore subject is FBC. I heard recently from JH that the new pastor went to HBH (he had said he would not support the church in their move to the West Side) and got on his good side. He put a stop to the church moving into a movie theater for services. I don't believe the building is sold yet, it will probably take a while. But that land should be fairly valuable, considering the downtown revitalization the mayor is pushing. The old AHS complex is really nice. I saw some pictures of the inside on the news a while back. There are parts of the old buildings they kept and restored. The outside is pretty much the same, it was just gutted and redone inside. They preserved the gymn floor and some other things. There are some other new buildings in the area. The old Baptist Building has really been spiffed up and has a boutique, offices, etc., in it.
Before I sat down to blog, I ironed some clothes for work, a couple of denim skirts, a denim jumper and an eyelet top to go over my Easter dress that P got for me at Macy's in Coronado. It wasn't easy to find a dress. Most of the clothes in the store are casual, a few pant suits. They may not have been fully stocked, though. They are moving this week into where Foley's was, just to the east.
We're watching the Phantom of the Opera, E was cleaning his room, now he's cleaning out the van. And what about gas prices!? P doesn't drive the Neon too much, usually, he generally fills up about every week and a half to two weeks (if he doesn't do much driving at all). My Hyundai usually has to be filled up every week. We've been filling it up at half a tank. I drive 30 miles a day to and from work, so I use about half a tank a week. Poor E has to pay about $40 to fill up the van about once a week. He drives about as far as I do across town. (He went and spent some time with S Friday night and part of Saturday.
After E got home from work today, we went out for a nice lunch at Olive Garden. We don't get many opportunities to all go out together, so when they do come around, we try to do something, even if it's just hamburgers.
I guess that's enough for now. I guess I've had a nice long weekend to unwind. I needed it. P wants me to start taking a few Tuesdays off to go play golf with him. I don't play when it's cold, so it's been a few months since the last time. I didn't do too bad when I went with him Friday. It was enjoyable, just hitting the ball and getting some exercise. I need more of that! OK, that's enought! TTFN