Linda's Granny Page

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Day Off!

Took a day of vacation, only the second one this year. I'm going to be off for three weeks starting the 20th.

* The guy from Home Depot came by to measure for our new carpet. Supposed to hear back with 48 hours about the installation.

* Went to vote. Melissa went into the office to talk to one of the secretaries while we were there. She tried to talk M into coming back and finishing. I hope she got through to her.

* Came home and had some lunch, KFC chicken, potato salad, broccoli slaw salad. It's been a while since we had some slaw salad. And M likes it too; so does E.

* P and I went to play nine holes at Ladera. I got a par on hole 16. That's good for me, I don't get a par very often. Some clouds came over and cooled things off, shading the sun and stirring up a little wind.

* Came home, took a shower and went down to Mom's for some cake and ice cream she had gotten for her birthday. Bob went home this afternoon.

* Now we're relaxing, watching the latest Herbie movie. Have to go back to work tomorrow. Jn leaves for the SBC on Saturday. Next week will be a catch-up week.

* Getting some laundry done. Got the car washed and filled with gas. Now to finish the rest of the week! TTFN


  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger grandma1 said…

    Another birthday this week! Are you guys coming during your vacation? New e-mail


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