Linda's Granny Page

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Time to Relax!

Well, the commissioning service is over with. Now it's just finish this paper tomorrow, send it to the printer on Friday and have a long weekend. Then we'll be on a regular schedule, somewhat, for two or three weeks. We'll do our SBC issue and then be off for a couple of weeks.

E is going to apply for a job in construction with the company S works for. He seems to be planning to stay here, at least for a while. They are going to close the Wendy's in Coronado for remodeling the end of June, so he's taking this opportunity to change jobs. He said they are going to transfer everybody to other stores, though.

M fixed chicken alfredo for supper last night. Pat seemed to enjoy it. I ate at Burger King before I went over to Hoffmantown for the commissioning service. I got there after it started, so I missed the processional, and the Singing Churchmen, I guess. But I left before it was over, so I missed the recessional. It was a nice service, though, what I was there for.

Pat wanted to go see "The Da Vinci Code" when I got home today, but I didn't feel like doing that tonight and having to go to work tomorrow, maybe this weekend. TTFN


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